It?s hard to believe we just enjoyed a spectacular Fourth of July with thousands of visitors experiencing everything from snow play at Sunrise and Crystal Mountain to the sun-filled Freedom Fair on the shores of Ruston Way. People are visiting and camping and playing and enjoying the best place to be in the summer? here and we've had a strong hand in this.
This is a perfect time of year to look ahead, and indeed we are. This month our Board of Directors will review the budget and business plan for 2012 and consider a special strategic planning consultation with you, our stakeholders, in the coming months. It may be only half way through 2011, but the truth is that applications for 2013 funding will be due as early as March of 2012. That leaves us with seven short months to crystallize a vision for tourism in Pierce County for 2013 and beyond.Watch your email for save-the-date notices as we begin a consultative process throughout the county to talk about tourism. Many milestones are quickly approaching, coming to a crescendo with the U.S. Open in 2015. This unprecedented event brings unparalleled opportunity for visitation, expanded economic impact, job creation and publicity. Join us in growing the plan to take advantage of our full potential as a tourism destination.
We head out this month to the annual Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) conference, where we will attend educational sessions and more importantly discuss with destination marketing professionals from around the globe the challenges that have been faced and unique solutions that have been found.
These are exciting times. The Washington Tourism Alliance is now the statewide marketing entity of record. The TRCVB is approaching opportunity with our stakeholders and partners that are only limited by our imagination. And we get to be a part of it.
Wishing you a terrific summer 2011!