Media Hosting Guidelines

Incoming media

Thank you for your interest in traveling to Tacoma and Pierce County, Washington! Visit Tacoma-Pierce County - Mt. Rainier Tourism & Sports is always available to assist journalists who are researching and developing media coverage for print, digital, broadcast, and social outlets.

Since we receive a large volume of media hosting requests year-round, in order for us to provide the best quality and level of assistance, we’ve established the hosting guidelines below, as well as the media hosting request form.

How we can help you

We’re happy to work with individual incoming media. What we’re able to offer is determined on a case-by-case basis and is subject to availability. Since many factors go into approving a media hosting request, please provide as much information as possible (see below) in order to quickly facilitate your request.

On a case-by-case basis, and depending on availability, we can offer qualified journalists the following services:

  • Discounted or complimentary accommodations in Pierce County.
  • Discounted or complimentary access to museums and attractions around Pierce County.
  • Discounted or complimentary meals (only for writers and producers who are focused primarily or solely on food or culinary) at select restaurants in Pierce County.
  • Media materials and customized itineraries for Tacoma and Pierce County.
  • Media contacts around Pierce County.

Please note we have a limited budget to cover airfare, rental cars and other ground transportation costs. These services will be determined on a case-by-case-basis.

Visit Tacoma-Pierce County - Mt. Rainier Tourism & Sports has the primary objective to host working media. Please understand that host hotels, attractions, and restaurants are not always able to accommodate spouses, children, family, and friends accompanying working journalists.

How you can help us help you

We strive to balance the needs of incoming, qualified journalists with the best interests of our tourism partners around the county. Here’s what we request you provide, in order to best assist you:

  • A completed media hosting request form.
  • An assignment letter. We are not able to approve hosting for media without an assignment and confirmation of producing media coverage of the destination. Please email the assignment letter to
  • Advanced notice. The more notice you can give us, the better the chance we have of being able to host you, especially during the busy summer months, on weekends and during citywide meetings and conventions. Click here for a schedule of meetings and conventions at the Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center.
  • Site traffic data and a media kit. A screen shot of online analytics information (page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, demographics) is requested.
  • Social media handles and any additional metrics for the journalist requesting assistance, as well as the publication(s) for which they write.

Upon receiving a completed media hosting request form, a representative from Visit Tacoma-Pierce County will review each media request and then advise you of our hosting availability. 

The level of support Visit Tacoma-Pierce County provides is determined by several factors, including publication reach in terms of audience size, geography and demographics, website analytics and traffic, reader engagement, social media reach, experience working with other brands or destinations, and relevance of the publication’s audience. For blogs and smaller publications, we request a screen shot of online analytics information (page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, demographics).

Notes for assistance: 

  • If you have a change in plans, please notify us immediately.
  • To remain on our preferred media list, please forward a copy of your print, digital, broadcast, or social story as soon as possible after the story runs.
  • Again, thanks so much for your interest in covering and visiting Tacoma and Pierce County, Washington! We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Media hosting request

Privacy Policy - Travel Tacoma - Mt. Rainier Tourism & Sports will not sell or share your name or email address with any other organization without your permission.


Journalist Preferences

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Publication information

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* Indicates a required field.