Submit travel packages + events
Starting in mid-October and running through the remainder of 2012, the TRCVB will be running a holiday ad campaign aimed primarily at Vancouver B.C. leisure travelers. The campaign will be featured in Vancouver Magazine, Sunset Magazine and Facebook.
The ad copy is "10 Holiday Feats to Fit Your Budget." The campaign will link to a special website featuring 10 (or more) Holiday Feats in Pierce County. The feats will include holiday themed packages and events.Who should participate: hotels, restaurants, activities, community events
Why you should participate: Get exposure in front of Vancouver Magazine and Sunset Magazine readers. Encourage travel to your business during the winter months.
What is a travel package?
Partner with CVB members to create a comprehensive travel experience. An example would be overnight stay at a hotel + gift certificate/dining voucher at a restaurant + tickets to an attraction.
What types of events would be a good fit?
Events occurring in Pierce County between mid October - mid February that are holiday-related are a great fit. We want to know what events are happening in your neighborhood - from Halloween to Valentine's Day and everything in between!
How to participate: Participation is free! The featured packages will be setup within our aRes booking system on If you'd like to participate but aren't currently registered with aRes the process is relatively simple. There is no fee to join. We're more than happy to facilitate the process.
Sign me up! To submit your packages and holiday events for inclusion contact Chad at
For questions on aRes, contact Annika at