No more fumbling for your wallet while a Mount Rainier ranger waits and the line of cars at the entrance backs up behind you!
To speed up entry to the park, Mount Rainier is one of 17 national parks and recreation areas that have joined up with YourPassNow to give visitors the chance to purchase and print their entrance pass in advance of their visit. Less time in the line is more time on the mountain!
The pass is available now, and valid at all entrances, and just like a normal pass, it's valid for seven days from first use. You can even by passes in advance (as long as you know the date you're going to visit the park) and store them on your mobile device or computer for use at a specific date in the future. Massive stocking-stuffer opportunities here (hint hint).
Fair warning: Since cell phone connectivity is spotty (at best) in the park, you'll need to print your pass at home, present it at the gate, and then put it on your dashboard at trailheads, recreation areas, campgrounds and park inns.
And the fine print: The federal inter-agency pass - America the Beautiful - The National Parks and Federal Recreation Lands Pass Series - is not available through YourPassNow, but you can still purchase the following passes: Private Vehicle ($30, valid for seven days), Motorcycle ($25, valid for seven days), Individual/Bicycle ($15, valid for seven days), Mount Rainier Annual Pass ($55 valid for one year from month of purchase).
So find an itinerary for Mount Rainier, choose your Mount Rainier-area lodging (staying overnight near the park means you can visit twice on the same pass, which basically cuts the price in half per visit), get your electronic pass and hit the road!