Has your business recently undergone any changes or renovations? Are you partnering with other local businesses to package your services? Are you offering anything new to visitors this summer?
The TRCVB often fields media inquiries regarding new and future developments in Pierce County. In order to best answer these inquiries, as well as for content for future newsletters or social media, we need your help! Who should participate: every TRCVB member! Restaurants, retailers, hotels, meeting + event venues, attractions, tourism services and more.
Why you should participate: for the chance to be featured in local, trade or travel media; for the chance to have your new offerings featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media; and more!
How to participate: email any renovations, updates, changes, developments and anything else newsworthy to emily@traveltacoma.com.
For an example of where this content is used, please visit our Press Room: Future Developments section.