April is volunteer appreciation month and we here at Visit Tacoma-Pierce County + Pierce County have a lot to be appreciative of! Our volunteers help us with special projects and run our visitor information center. Without their time, heart and energy Visit Tacoma-Pierce County just wouldn't be the same.
They welcome visitors with a friendly face and local know how.
Over the years, we've had volunteers come and go, while some have been serving the community faithfully for decades. Each one of them has left an impression on visitors, and on us here at Visit Tacoma-Pierce County.
Every volunteer comes with their own passion and expertise on our region to share with visitors. Coming from different backgrounds, our volunteers have great perspectives on the area and are a great resource for recommendations on what to do, see and eat in Pierce County.
We are so thankful for their help and couldn't imagine our organization without them. Thank you volunteers! We appreciate you!
If you would like to volunteer with Visit Tacoma-Pierce County + Pierce County please reach out to Lisa Barker, lisa@traveltacoma.com